
Spirit Of Christmas

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Literature Text


First Snow

Spirit Of Christmas

By Steph

The enormous snow storm that had engulfed the entire country was finally beginning to let up, and for the first time in over two weeks the skies looked clear as the final flake of snow had fallen over Tranquilly. Just in time as Christmas was now only just two days away and despite the enormous disruption people were determined to ensure the festive season went on ahead as normal. All around Sam's home town Christmas lights were being hung in every direction, images of flashing baubles and glittering tinsel dominated the streets. Each corner of town harbingered some sort of Christmas decoration, but by far the most grand was the huge decorated Christmas tree that stood in the centre of town, so huge was the grand tree that it could give even Optimus Prime a challenge of height.

Sam had now being in the care of the Ratchet for over a week, and ever since both he and Bumblebee had been found they had being making a remarkable recovery. Even with Ratchet's constant nagging of being careful nothing could dampen the young teenager's spirits as he too prepared for the Christmas holiday. His rib was finally healing and Bumblebee was on the mend, the hole in the mech's chest beginning to close as his own repair systems got to work fixing the outer damage. Like Sam, it would be a couple of weeks before he was fully recovered, but in Sam's opinion, things were starting to look up. The autobots had all relocated to their previous base of operations in Tranquillity in order for Sam to be closer to his family, and since Bumblebee and Sam were over halfway before Barricade attacked, it seemed pointless to go back. So just as Sam had initially wished Optimus had ordered everyone back to Tranquillity. Ironhide of course was less then pleased, having to trek through another two thousand miles worth of endless snow, Sideswipe however ensured Ironhide's sombre mood didn't ruin the trip as he later rendezvoused with the group clearly happy to be heading home. The whereabouts of Barricade remained a mystery as when Optimus and Ironhide returned to retrieve the decepticon for questioning, all they found was a large indentation in the snow. So without dragging out the conflict any longer then necessary the mission had been called off with the priority now, nursing both Sam and Bumblebee back to full health.

"All right Sam, lets check how that rib of yours is healing." Sam groaned from his position on the huge sofa, this was the third time today Ratchet had checked him over, it felt worse then being coddled by his mother, and Sam thought she was obsessive.

"Aww, Ratchet, do you have to? You checked about two hours ago, can't you give it a rest? I feel worst then Mojo being looked over by the vet."

Ratchet's blue optics rolled sarcastically, Sam looked up in slight shock, it wasn't every often Ratchet took on human body language, if anything the medic tended to shy away from it.

"The longer you complain about it, the longer I have to take to convince you to sit still long enough for me to take my scans. So do as you human say and suck it up."

Sam folded his arms, huffing loudly. Stupid robots with their always correct logic. Ratchet puckered him up from the sofa, moving the human towards his face, there was an almost unnoticeable pause in Ratchet's inner workings, as the mech's blue optics brightened. Sam stared intently into the soft orbs, God he would never call them just eyes again, the thousands of lenses within the blue glowing light flickering so fast Sam couldn't distinguish one flash from the other. Watching with fascination, Sam almost failed to notice, the medic had completed his assessment and was now going over the data he had collected. Sam blinked, clearing his vision of the fancy light show he had just witnessed.

"Well, it seems your rib is healing nicely, though your going to have to take it easy for the next three weeks. That means no strenuous exercise, I will see to it Bumblebee keeps an optic on you."

Sam frowned noting now they were moving, great, even Bee would be mother hen-ing him, it was although Ratchet was trying to stuff him into a bubble.

"Ratchet, do you have to bring Bee into this?" Sam asked. Ratchet didn't answer straight away, instead he paused in mid step, tapping a string of numbers into the panel on the side of the door. Both opened, and Ratchet paced forward, Sam looked around they were in the med bay. He smiled lightly spotting Bumblebee laid on one of the metal berths clearly in recharge.

"Yes, if you wish to return home, I need to be sure your rib will heal in my absence, therefore, with the permission of your parents, Bumblebee will be accompanying you. It will also give him the opportunity to properly recuperate."

Sam sighed once more, it was pointless to argue, Bumblebee would no doubt agree, overprotective mech's and all. It really wasn't fair, it was nearly Christmas. What happened to just kicking back and having fun? Sam remained silent as Ratchet deposited him into Bumblebee's outstretched palm, the yellow scout must have woke up in the middle of the conversation. Sam listened silently as the pair exchanged with each other in fast clicks of Cybertroian, every so often they would glance down at him, clearly they were talking about him. Sam glowered, why couldn't they just talk in English? Sam felt Bumblebee's hand tighten reflexively around him as he silently nodded at Ratchet, the medic gave Bumblebee a stern look then without another word headed for the door. Sam stared puzzled in the medic's direction.

"What was all that about?" Sam asked. Bumblebee clicked lightly as he so often did when he wanted to distract his charge.

"Nothing, just some issues regarding I accompanying you home. Ratchet wants to be sure I look after you carefully."

Sam clenched his fists in anger.

He wasn't helpless damn it!

Bumblebee frowned, noting Sam's elevated heartbeat and rise in temperature. "Are you all right Sam?" the scout asked hesitantly. Sam didn't answer, he breathed deeply, glaring at his hands with a stare strong enough to burn a hole through metal. Bumblebee lifted one metal finger, bringing it slowly forward to touch the human's back. Sam flinched as Bumblebee brought his finger in contact his skin. Noticing Sam's reaction, Bumblebee flickered his optics sideways, puzzled.

"Sam?" Bumblebee questioned, not liking the long drawn out silence. Once more Bumblebee reached down with one hand, but this time instead of remaining still, Sam quickly moved off to the side avoiding Bumblebee's massive palm. Bumblebee moved his hand back feeling a sharp jab of regret gnaw at his spark chamber.

"Sam." Bumblebee said softly. Lowering his head so his optics were level with Sam's face. "What's wrong?"

Sam looked up at Bumblebee's yellow face, wrapping his arms around both knees and sighed, tucking his head down.

"I just…" Sam opened and closed his mouth, not really sure of what to say.

Bumblebee tilted his head to the side, twittering softly. "You what?" he prompted gently. Sam lifted his head staring at the mech's bright optics.

"I'm just fed up, Bee. I want to be able to go home and have fun you know? Without you worrying about me the whole time. I mean, I understand why, Barricade really took us by surprise, but it's nearly Christmas… Sam trailed off, falling silent.

Bumblebee nodded. "Sam, I understand your frustrations really, I do. I know we can be overbearing at times, but you must understand. Barricade's encounter is still very fresh on our minds, none of us…especially myself, want to see anything happen to you. I thought I'd almost lost you back there.

Sam swallowed guilty, hearing the sheer sadness in Bee's voice.

Talk about me and my big mouth.

"Bee…" Sam's voice broke as emotion welled up in his throat. "I'm so sorry, I didn't even think about how you felt about it all."

Bumblebee opened his palm, a clear invitation. Sam didn't hesitate, he moved forward allowing Bumblebee to scoop him up, tucking him next to the mech's spark chamber, the nearest thing to a hug, the pair could achieve. Sam gazed at Bumblebee's armour, noting the small hole in the metal that was still healing. Bumblebee tightened his hold as Sam gripped the mech's metal.

"Just, get better for me, let us, let me, help you do that."

Sam nodded, laughing as a single tear rolled down his face. "You big softie" he teased. Wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve. "I swear the whole lot of you are worse then my mother."

Bumblebee chuckled at that. Clicking in agreement. "Probably, but don't let Ironhide hear you say that. I've had enough of stopping bigger mech's from wanting to crush you for one day."

Sam burst out into laughter, "I'll so my best" he promised.


::Out on patrol::

Ironhide's processor hurt, badly. He couldn't understand it. Why did the humans put so much effort into celebrating just one day of the year? All the fuss, it seemed pointless, everywhere he looked, humans were rushing from one place to another. Their arms filled with various boxes and packages, whilst the town square looked like Wheeljack had being let loose.

"Seems silly to me" murmured Ironhide through the open com channel. Idly scanning his optics over one of the large Christmas trees that had been erected in the town square as he drove past. Besides him a silver corvette drove alongside.

"I think it's great." Sideswipe hummed. Glancing at the glittering objects that passed by.

Ironhide snorted through his exhaust, turning around the corner. "You would, I don't understand why the humans put so much effort into it. Seems like a slagging waste of time."

Sideswipe turned, lightly bashing the side of Ironhide's front wheel. "Oh lighten up, I think it's special in its own way. Sam explained it to me. Christmas is about celebrating togetherness and being thankful for what we have. It's nice the humans have this holiday, it's better then that one where they all dress up running around scaring reach other. I couldn't recharge for a week after Sam's attempt to dress up Bumblebee, nearly scared the spark right out of me."

Ironhide growled, remembering how Bumblebee had ran around the base dressed as some sort of Cybertroian vampire. Whether he liked to admit it or not, Bumblebee had managed to startle him.

"I like the one where they shoot those strange missiles into the air that make different colours. Now that's a holiday."

Sideswipe laughed, his voice echoing over Ironhide's speakers. "You mean you liked that one because you got to blow stuff up, as well as firing one at Bumblebee for the scaring fiasco?"

Ironhide grumbled sourly to himself. "Just concentrate on patrol." Sideswipe laughed even harder. Getting annoyed, Ironhide muted the channel hissing under his breath in cybertroian.

"Fragging younglings."


::Autobot Base::

Optimus sighed heavily, it was time for him to inform Sam's parents of what had transpired whilst their son had being in his care. Both humans were now expecting their son home. The blue mech's spark pulsed in apprehension , Judy Witwicky was a woman not to be taken lightly. She had chased Optimus off the yard after finding out he was the one who had crushed her flowers. How was he suppose to explain that her only son had gotten lost, injured and nearly killed by a crazy glitched decepticon? This was one conversation he was not looking forward to.

Optimus's com automatically secured a communication line. As he only opened the connection a woman's voice echoed over the mech's speakers.


Optimus paused, whirring thoughtfully. Best start on good terms. "Hello. Mrs Witwicky?"

"Yes?" Judy sounded puzzled, obviously not recognising Optimus's deep voice over the phone line. The call did not come with a number.

"This is Optimus Prime, I am calling in regards to your son."

On the other end of the line, Judy nearly dropped the phone in shock. "Optimus…? How the hell did you get my number! Better yet how in God's name are you calling me, do you even have a phone? And Sam, is he all right! Is he hurt?

Optimus cringed. Turning the volume down, as the Judy's shrill voice shouted in his audio receptors.

"Mrs Witwicky, if you could just allow me to explain." Optimus waited and when Judy did not resume speaking he continued.

"Thank you. As you already know, Sam has being staying for the winter break with us with your permission at our new base. I gave you my word before Sam joined us that I would protect his welfare while he was with us. Just over a week ago, during the heavy snowstorm, Sam was worried he would not be able to return home to you in time for Christmas. Bumblebee, asked my permission to return Sam home himself because all the air traffic being grounded, I did not agree to the journey, believing it to be too dangerous. However Bumblebee decided to go against my orders, attempting the journey without the knowledge of myself or the others in under my command. Whilst on their way to Tranquillity, Bumblebee and Sam were attacked by the decepticon Barricade."

At the word 'decepticon' Optimus's detected an increase in Judy's breathing rate through the communication line.

"What happened?" She asked flatly, interrupting. "You gave me your word! That nothing would happen to Sam and now your telling me my baby has being hurt!"

Optimus allowed Judy to rant herself out before resuming speaking.

"Mrs Witwicky, please calm yourself. During the attack Sam sustained some injuries, that were only minor in light of the circumstances. A fractured rib and some bruising inflicted when Barricade managed to get a hold of him. Our medical officer Ratchet has being treating Sam for the past week and I am happy to say he has made very good progress."

Optimus fell silent waiting for Judy to speak. After what seemed like an enormous span of time did Judy finally begin speaking. "Thank Goodness! Sam better be all right because next time I see Bumblebee I am having words, and perhaps I will bring along my baseball bat for good swing while I'm at it! What on earth was he thinking, I thought Bumblebee was suppose to be my son's guardian, not purposely endangering him."

Optimus sighed, little did Judy Witwicky know, Bumblebee had almost died protecting Sam. Yes the mech had being reckless but no one could doubt Bumblebee's fierce loyalty to Sam.

"Bumblebee is very much your son's guardian Mrs Witwicky. He was nearly off lined protecting Sam in battle. Yes he was reckless and has received disciplinary action against him, but his bravery and fierce determination of protecting your son is to be commended."

Judy paused, feeling guilt tug at her heartstrings. "He nearly died?"

Optimus's deep voice grew soft, hearing the emotion in Judy's words.

"Yes" Optimus replied. "Bumblebee was severely injured, we nearly lost him. Ratchet however arrived just in time and thankfully managed to stablize Bumblebee's spark. He is now recovering."

Judy swallowed back the lump that had begun to rise in her throat. She had spoken to Bumblebee a few times before, the bouncy yellow mech was always so polite and thoughtful, especially in regards to Sam. "Optimus, I'm sorry. Sam is my only child and the thought of loosing him scares me. I did not mean any offence towards Bumblebee and would like the opportunity to thank him."

Optimus mentally smiled. Humans for all they were, often showed great compassion, and were fiercely protective of their children. He laughed at the thought. It certainly was a bad idea to get on the wrong side of them.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Mrs Witwicky, your anger and upset is justified. You love your son very much. I can only apologise that you have not being informed of this earlier, communication has only just recently being established. It seemed the snowstorm did a lot of damage."

Judy smiled. Sam had made himself some really good friends, even if they were giant alien robots from out of space.

"It's all right, Optimus. Thank you for letting me know, I was beginning worry for him."

Optimus paused thinking for a moment. "Your are most welcome. Sam will be returning home tomorrow, we moved back to our old base of operations in Tranquillity as it was the closest and time was not of the essence. Bumblebee will be accompanying him, with your permission of course."

Judy smiled, she would get the chance to thank Bumblebee personally for his bravery.

"Of course, I will be glad to have him. If he wishes Bumblebee can join in the celebrations, after all he is family."

Optimus's spark warmed at the last statement. "I am sure Bumblebee will be honoured. I will forward your invitation, thank you Mrs Witwicky."

Judy laughed. "No thank you, Optimus. I don't know if you celebrate, but have a good Christmas, you have my gratitude for taking care of Sam.

"A merry Christmas to you also." Optimus replied. "It was my pleasure. I hope we speak again soon, Mrs Witwicky but perhaps on a lighter note."

Judy chuckled. "We can only hope. Goodbye."

The line went dead, and Optimus closed his com link, he smiled lightly to himself. It could have been much worse.


::Christmas Eve::

The last day had passed in a blur and now Christmas was finally nearly here. Baubles and tinsel littered the streets in a display of vivid colour, with Christmas trees visible in nearly every house. Night had descended upon the human settlement of Tranquillity, and now the true spirit of Christmas was ready to come to life.

"Ready to go Sam?" Bumblebee's voice interrupted the young teenager from his thoughts. Sam shook his head, snapping himself out of his trance like state. He smiled up seeing Bumblebee approach him, shouldering his bag, Sam took one last look around the rec room.

"In a minute, I just want to say goodbye to…" he was cut off as four more mech's enter the room.

"You weren't thinking of leaving without saying goodbye were you?" Sideswipe chuckled. Sam looked up to see the familiar faces of Sideswipe, Ironhide, Ratchet and Optimus.

The silver mech slowly came to a crouch just in front of Sam holding out one metal palm. Sam stared at the mech's hand for a second before noticing a small object inside. It looked very small, wrapped in a silver shining paper with a single gold ribbon around it.

"Something for you from all of us." Optimus clarified. "We don't usually celebrate your holidays, but we could not ignore this special occasion."

Sam's eyes widened, as he glanced up from Optimus to the other pairs of optics staring down at him. "I don't know what to say." Carefully taking the small object from Sideswipe's palm.

"I just hope you like it, the slagging this took nearly all day to wrap." Ratchet grumbled, Sam smiled up at the medic, rolling his eyes.

"Thank you." Sam said. Bumblebee gently couched next to his charge, touching his back to get his attention.

"Open it, I know it's not Christmas yet but we all want to watch you unwrap it."

Sam nodded, carefully peeling back the silver paper, to say it had been wrapped by giant robots, it was very neat, neater then Sam could manage. He mentally smiled at the image of Ratchet trying to wrap such a small awkward object. Pulling back the wrapping revealed a black book about A4 sized, turning over the curious gift, Sam noticed some gold lettering, it read, For the Memories. Turning over the first page, Sam gasped, inside the book were photos upon photos. He laughed as numerous individual photos caught his attention some, recent and some, not so recent ones springing with them random flashbacks. One was taken during Halloween, when he and Bumblebee had dressed up and gone on a scaring rampage around base, only to have Ironhide throw a bucket of water over them both. Another when Ratchet had been tutoring him in biology. Even one of both he and Optimus gazing up at the stars. Flicking the pages, Sam spotted many pictures, each of them holding a special memory, falling asleep against Bee under the tree at the overlook, Ironhide's face as he lit some fireworks on bonfire night. Sideswipe after a masterful prank with Sam against Optimus. One in particular caught his attention, it was of everyone, at the overlook all watching the sunset together. A lump of emotion welled up in Sam's throat, glancing up at the group of friends who had as much become his family.

"It's beautiful, best gift I have ever got, hands down."

Bumblebee clicked happily, curling one palm around Sam's body. "We wanted to give you something to treasure, the photos were all taken by us, you were quite oblivious to most of them." Bumblebee laughed.

Sam huddled against Bumblebee's hand for a moment before glancing around at everyone. "I will treasure this for a long time to come, thank you guys, all of you."

All the mech's around the room nodded. Bumblebee stood up and took a step back transforming into his familiar camero form, the door on the driver's side popped open. It was time to go.

"Merry Christmas everyone." Sam said softly before climbing into Bumblebee's open door,.

"Merry Christmas Sam." Optimus replied, bending down to ruffle Sam's hair.

Ratchet and Ironhide smiled down at Sam, silently wishing him safe travels. Sideswipe crouched next to Sam's open door, laughing happily. "Stay out of trouble." He warned dimming one optic in the imitation of a wink. "See you next year."

Sam chuckled, nodding, punching his fist against the flat of Sideswipe's hand. Sideswipe stood to his full height and waved as Bumblebee shut the door and began to drive out of the base and into the night.

"I think I know what Sam meant." Ironhide's voice sounded in the darkness. As Bumblebee's form disappeared. "Even though this holiday has many strange customs, its just about your friends." There was a soft pause as his thoughts drifted. "And your family."

Sideswipe lightly laid a hand on Ironhide's metal shoulder. "Your starting to get it, big guy."


Bumblebee turned down the main road which lead into Tranquillity. The yellow mech trained his sensors inwards, mentally smiling at his charge who had already begun to drift to sleep.

"Sam." Bumblebee whispered quietly, just over the classical music that had started to play over his speakers.

"Hmmm." Sam mumbled, barely acknowledging Bumblebee's voice.

"Thank you Sam, thank you for the most wonderful year I have experienced in many millennia's."

Sam half opened one eye, and smiled, lightly touching the dash with one hand. "Your welcome Bee." he said softly before once more falling silent.

Bumblebee hummed happily, tipping Sam's seat back so he was in a laying position, Bumblebee felt his spark pulse with happiness, this truly was a magical time of year. Musing thoughtfully, Bumblebee remembered a quote he had come across on the internet. Speaking it out loud, he had not understood it back then, but now that he spoke it, Bumblebee understood it now.

"I am never alone at all, I thought I was never alone at all. And that of course, is the message of Christmas. We are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, the world seemingly most indifferent. For this is the time for the spirit of Christmas to touch the hearts of the whole wide world."

As Bumblebee spoke, a bright blue star appeared in the sky above them. A seemingly silent guide to anyone who wanted to find the true spirit of Christmas.

For Bumblebee the star meant something else entirely. It was both beautiful yet bittersweet in many ways. His first real winter with Sam was coming to an end, and what a winter it had been...
Final chapter in my 'First Snow'. Been one heck of a ride writing this, I hope you enjoy this guys, I know I have had fun creating this. Enjoy :D

Spirit Of ChristmasWith the festive season just around the corner, Sam returns home to his family, but not before the bots include him in the celebrations of Christmas.

Previous Chapter: [link]

Epilogue: [link]
© 2010 - 2024 waterbender010
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BIackR0se's avatar
A varry awesome story. I laughed so much when I read about Iornhide shooting fireworks at Bee. He would so do that lol.